
LoL Champions by Release Date: A Complete Timeline




12 Sep

Have you ever wondered how League of Legends grew from its early days to its huge roster today? It now has 169 champions as of November 6, 2024. Let's explore the journey of LoL champions by release date and see how they've shaped this iconic MOBA.

From 20 champions at launch in 2009 to Ambessa in November 2024, Riot Games has grown its champion pool. The number of new champions has changed over time. For example, 2022 saw 9 new champions, while 2010 had 18.

Looking at the League of Legends champion's timeline shows how the game has changed. Champions now have complex designs with unique mechanics. This keeps the game exciting. Whether you like tanks, assassins, or mages, there's a champion for you. Each champion has its own story and impact on the game.

The Birth of League of Legends: 2009 Champion Releases

League of Legends made its mark in 2009 with big plans for champion releases. Riot Games started with 20 unique characters and then doubled that number. This move led to the wide variety of champions we see today.

Alpha Week 2: The Original 17 Champions

On February 21, 2009, League of Legends introduced 17 champions during Alpha Week 2. Characters like Annie, Ashe, and Ryze became part of the game's legacy.

Beta Stage Additions: Expanding the Roster

Riot Games kept adding champions during the beta stage. In June and September, many new champions were released. This period was key in building the game's diverse roster.


Official Launch: 40 Champions Strong

By October 27, 2009, League of Legends had 40 champions. Favorites like Alistar, Fiddlesticks, and Teemo were part of the lineup. The year ended with more additions, including Nidalee in December.

Alistar, The MinotaurTank / Support21/02/2009
Annie, The Dark ChildMage / Support21/02/2009
Ashe, The Frost ArcherMarksman / Support21/02/2009
Fiddlesticks, The Ancient FearMage / Support21/02/2009
Jax, Grandmaster at ArmsFighter21/02/2009
Kayle, The RighteousMage / Marksman21/02/2009
Master Yi, The Wuju BladesmanAssassin / Fighter21/02/2009
Morgana, The FallenMage / Support21/02/2009
Nunu & Willump, The Boy and His YetiTank / Mage21/02/2009
Ryze, The Rune MageMage21/02/2009
Sion, The Undead JuggernautTank / Fighter21/02/2009
Sivir, The Battle MistressMarksman21/02/2009
Soraka, The StarchildSupport / Mage21/02/2009
Teemo, The Swift ScoutMarksman / Mage21/02/2009
Tristana, The Yordle GunnerMarksman / Assassin21/02/2009
Twisted Fate, The Card MasterMage / Marksman21/02/2009
Warwick, The Uncaged Wrath of ZaunFighter / Tank21/02/2009
Singed, The Mad ChemistTank / Mage18/04/2009
Zilean, The ChronokeeperSupport / Mage18/04/2009
Evelynn, Agony's EmbraceAssassin / Mage01/05/2009
Tryndamere, The Barbarian KingFighter / Assassin01/05/2009
Twitch, The Plague RatMarksman / Assassin01/05/2009
Karthus, The DeathsingerMage12/06/2009
Amumu, The Sad MummyTank / Support26/06/2009
Cho'Gath, The Terror of the VoidTank / Mage26/06/2009
Anivia, The CryophoenixMage10/07/2009
Rammus, The ArmordilloTank10/07/2009
Veigar, The Tiny Master of EvilMage24/07/2009
Kassadin, The Void WalkerAssassin / Mage07/08/2009
Gangplank, The Saltwater ScourgeFighter19/08/2009
Taric, The Shield of ValoranSupport / Tank19/08/2009
Blitzcrank, The Great Steam GolemTank / Support02/09/2009
Dr. Mundo, The Madman, of ZaunTank / Fighter02/09//2009
Janna, The Storm's FurySupport / Mage02/09/2009
Malphite, Shard of the MonolithTank / Mage02/09//2009
Corki, The Daring BombardierMarksman / Mage19/09/2009
Katarina, The Sinister BladeAssassin / Mage19/09/2009
Nasus, The Curator of the SandsFighter / Tank01/10/2009
Heimerdinger, The Revered InventorMage / Support10/10/2009
Shaco, The Demon JesterAssassin10/10/2009
Udyr, The Spirit WalkerFighter / Tank02/12/2009
Nidalee, The Bestial HuntressAssassin / Mage17/12/2009

The 2009 start was explosive, setting the stage for future champions. While new champions are fewer now, averaging 4-5 a year, their early impact still shapes the game we enjoy.

Rapid Expansion: 2010-2011 Champion Releases

The years 2010 and 2011 were big for League of Legends champions. Riot Games added 24 champions each year. This made the total number of champions over 80 by the end of 2011.

In 2010, champions like Poppy, Pantheon, and Miss Fortune arrived. They brought new playstyles and stories to the game. The next year, champions like Caitlyn and Vayne came out, along with the magical Ahri.

This time was key for the game's growth. Riot Games tried out different character ideas and abilities. This made the game exciting and tested the balance and variety of gameplay.

Poppy, Keeper of the HammerTank / Fighter13/01/2010
Pantheon, The Unbreakable SpearFighter / Assassin02/02/2010
Gragas, The Rabble RouserFighter / Mage02/02/2010
Mordekaiser, The Iron RevenantFighter / Mage24/02/2010
Ezreal, The Prodigal ExplorerMarksman / Mage16/03/2010
Shen, The Eye of TwilightTank24/03/2010
Kennen, The Heart of the TempestMage08/04/2010
Garen, The Might of DemaciaFighter / Tank27/04/2010
Akali, The Rogue AssassinAssassin11/05/2010
Malzahar, The Prophet of the VoidMage01/06/2010
Olaf, The BerserkerFighter / Tank09/06/2010
Kog'Maw, The Mouth of the AbyssMarksman / Mage24/06/2010
Xin Zhao, The Seneschal of DemaciaFighter / Tank13/07/2010
Vladimir, The Crimson ReaperMage / Fighter27/07/2010
Galio, The ColossusTank / Mage10/08/2010
Urgot, The DreadnoughtFighter / Tank24/08/2010
Miss Fortune, The Bounty HunterMarksman / Mage08/09/2010
Sona, Maven of the StringsSupport / Mage21/09/2010
Swain, The Noxian Grand GeneralMage / Support05/10/2010
Lux, The Lady of LuminosityMage / Support19/10/2010
LeBlanc the DeceiverAssassin / Mage02/11/2010
Irelia, The Blade DancerFighter / Assassin16/11/2010
Trundle, The Troll KingFighter / Tank01/12/2010
Cassiopeia, The Serpent's EmbraceMage14/12/2010
Caitlyn, The Sheriff of PiltoverMarksman04/01/2011
Renekton, The Butcher of the SandsFighter / Tank18/01/2011
Karma, The Enlightened OneMage / Support01/02/2011
Maokai, The Twisted TreantTank / Support16/02/2011
Jarvan IV, The Exemplar of DemaciaFighter / Tank01/03/2011
Nocturne, The Eternal NightmareFighter / Assassin15/03/2011
Lee Sin, The Blind MonkFighter / Assassin01/04/2011
Brand, The Burning VengeanceMage / Support12/04/2011
Rumble, The Mechanized MenaceFighter / Mage26/04/2011
Vayne, The Night HunterMarksman / Assassin10/05/2011
Orianna, The Lady of ClockworkMage / Support01/06/2011
Yorick, Shepherd of SoulsFighter / Tank22/06/2011
Leona, The Radiant DawnTank / Support13/07/2011
Wukong, The Monkey KingFighter / Tank26/07/2011
Skarner, The Crystal VanguardTank / Fighter09/08/2011
Talon, The Blade's ShadowAssassin24/08/2011
Riven, The ExileFighter / Assassin14/09/2011
Xerath, The Magus AscendantMage / Support05/10/2011
Graves, The OutlawMarksman19/10/2011
Shyvana, The Half-DragonFighter / Mage01/11/2011
Fizz, The Tidal TricksterAssassin / Fighter15/11/2011
Volibear, The Relentless StormFighter / Tank29/11/2011
Ahri, The Nine-Tailed FoxMage / Assassin14/12/2011
Viktor, The Machine HeraldMage29/12/2011

This rapid growth changed the game a lot. It made the champion pool more diverse and affected competitive play. Players had to learn new abilities and strategies fast, keeping the game exciting and unpredictable.

"The 2010-2011 period was a golden age for champion releases, laying the foundation for the diverse and complex game we know today."

The Golden Age of Champion Design: 2012-2014

From 2012 to 2014, League of Legends went through a golden age of champion design. This era brought us some of the most iconic and innovative champions ever. Let's explore what made this period so exciting.

Innovative Mechanics and Playstyles

In 2012, Riot Games released 19 champions, like Zyra, Zed, and Thresh. These champions introduced new mechanics that changed the game. For instance, Thresh's lantern mechanic opened up new ways for team play.

Lore Development and Champion Interconnections

This era also focused a lot on champion lore and how they connect. Champions like Jinx and Yasuo from 2013 and 2014 added depth to the game's story. These additions made the League of Legends world more immersive for players.

Impact on Competitive Play

The champions from this golden age changed competitive play a lot. Teams had to adjust their strategies to use these new champions well. The release of Braum and Kalista in 2014 brought new dynamics to the bot lane.

At the same time, League of Legends was getting more popular in the Middle East. Tournaments were held in cities like Cairo, Dubai, and Jeddah. This helped set the stage for the region's esports growth in the years to come.

Sejuani, Fury of the NorthTank17/01/2012
Ziggs, The Hexplosives ExpertMage01/02/2012
Nautilus, The Titan of the DepthsTank / Support14/02/2012
Fiora, The Grand DuelistFighter / Assassin29/02/2012
Lulu, The Fae SorceressSupport / Mage20/03/2012
Hecarim, The Shadow of WarFighter / Tank18/04/2012
Varus, The Arrow of RetributionMarksman / Mage08/05/2012
Darius, The Hand of NoxusFighter / Tank23/05/2012
Draven, The Glorious ExecutionerMarksman06/06/2012
Jayce, The Defender of TomorrowMarksman / Fighter07/07/2012
Zyra, Rise of the ThornsMage / Support24/07/2012
Diana, Scorn of the MoonFighter / Assassin07/08/2012
Rengar, The PridestalkerAssassin / Fighter21/08/2012
Syndra, The Dark SovereignMage13/09/2012
Kha'Zix, The VoidreaverAssassin27/09/2012
Elise, The Spider QueenAssassin / Mage26/10/2012
Zed, The Master of ShadowsAssassin13/11/2012
Nami, The TidecallerSupport / Mage07/12/2012
Vi, The Piltover EnforcerFighter / Assassin19/12/2012
Thresh, The Chain WardenSupport / Tank23/01/2013
Quinn, Demacia's WingsMarksman / Assassin01/03/2013
Zac, The Secret WeaponTank / Fighter29/03/2013
Lissandra, The Ice WitchMage30/04/2013
Aatrox, The Darkin BladeFighter / Tank13/06/2013
Lucian, The PurifierMarksman / Assassin22/08/2013
Jinx, The Loose CannonMarksman10/10/2013
Yasuo, The UnforgivenFighter / Assassin13/12/2013
Vel'Koz, The Eye of the VoidMage / Support27/02/2014
Braum, The Heart of the FreljordTank / Support12/05/2014
Gnar, The Missing LinkFighter / Tank14/08/2014
Azir, The Emperor of the SandsMage / Marksman16/09/2014
Kalista, The Spear of VengeanceMarksman20/11/2014
Rek'Sai, The Void BurrowerFighter / Tank11/12/2014

Slowing the Pace: 2015-2017 Champion Releases

From 2015 to 2017, Riot Games changed how they added League of Legends champions. They focused on quality and innovation, adding fewer but more impactful champions.

In 2015, five new champions were added. Ekko, the time-bending assassin, and Tahm Kench, the River King, were among them. The next year, six champions debuted, including Jhin, the artistic sniper, and Camille, the precise fighter.

2017 saw five more champions come to Summoner's Rift. This year, Xayah and Rakan, the first champions meant to work well together, were released.

Riot aimed to create champions with unique abilities during this time. These new champions made players adapt their strategies and playstyles. This kept the game fresh and exciting.

Bard, The Wandering CaretakerSupport / Mage12/03/2015
Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered TimeAssassin / Mage29/05/2015
Tahm Kench, The River KingTank / Support09/07/2015
Kindred, The Eternal HuntersMarksman14/10/2015
Illaoi, The Kraken PriestessFighter / Tank24/11/2015
Jhin, The VirtuosoMarksman / Mage01/02/2016
Aurelion Sol, The Star ForgerMage24/03/2016
Taliyah, The StoneweaverMage / Support18/05/2016
Kled, The Cantankerous CavalierFighter10/08/2016
Ivern, The Green FatherSupport / Mage05/10/2016
Camille, The Steel ShadowFighter / Assassin07/12/2016
Rakan, The CharmerSupport19/04/2017
Xayah, The RebelMarksman19/04/2017
Kayn, The Shadow ReaperFighter / Assassin12/07/2017
Ornn, The Fire below the MountainTank23/08/2017
Zoe, The Aspect of TwilightMage21/11/2017

his slower pace let players fully get to know and master each new champion. It also gave Riot time to perfect and balance these champions before adding more.

LoL Champions by Release Date: A Year-by-Year Breakdown

League of Legends has grown a lot since it started in 2009. Let's look at how new champions have shaped the game over time.

2009-2011: Laying the Foundation

When League of Legends launched in October 2009, it had 40 champions. Riot Games quickly added 24 new champions each year. By 2011, there were 88 champions, setting a strong base for the game.

2012-2014: Refining the Formula

This period was big with the release of Syndra, the 100th champion, in 2012. Riot added 33 new characters, focusing on innovative designs and deeper stories.

2015-2017: Quality over Quantity

Riot changed their approach, focusing on quality over quantity. They released 16 new champions, each with unique mechanics. This allowed for more impactful and refined designs.

2018-2024: Pushing Boundaries

The latest era has seen a lot of innovation. Riot added 29 new champions, including complex ones like Aphelios and Hwei. In 2019, Sylas became the 150th champion, showing the game's growth.

Now, League of Legends has 168 champions, more than Dota 2's 121 heroes. This variety keeps the game fresh and the meta changing, keeping League at the top of MOBAs.

Kai'Sa, Daughter of the VoidMarksman / Mage07/03/2018
Pyke, The Bloodharbor RipperSupport / Assassin31/05/2018
Neeko, The Curious ChameleonMage / Support05/12/2018
Sylas, The UnshackledMage / Assassin25/01/2019
Yuumi, The Magical CatSupport / Mage14/05/2019
Qiyana, Empress of the ElementsAssassin28/06/2019
Senna, The RedeemerSupport / Marksman10/11/2019
Aphelios, The Weapon of the FaithfulMarksman11/12/2019
Sett, The Boss

Fighter / Tank

Lillia, The Bashful BloomFighter / Mage22/07/2020
Yone, The UnforgottenFighter / Assassin06/08/2020
Samira, The Desert RoseMarksman / Assassin21/09/2020
Seraphine, The Starry-Eyed SongstressSupport / Mage29/10/2020
Rell, The Iron MaidenTank / Support10/12/2020
Viego, The Ruined KingFighter / Assassin21/01/2021
Gwen, The Hallowed SeamstressFighter15/04/2021
Akshan, The Rogue SentinelMarksman / Assassin22/07/2021
Vex, The GloomistMage23/09/2021
Zeri, The Spark of ZaunMarksman20/01/2022
Renata Glasc, The Chem-BaronessSupport / Mage17/02/2022
Bel'Veth, The Empress of the VoidFighter09/06/2022
Nilah, The Joy UnboundFighter / Assassin13/07/2022
K'Sante, The Pride of NazumahTank / Fighter02/11/2022
Milio, The Gentle FlameSupport / Mage23/03/2023
Naafiri, The Hound of a Hundred BitesAssassin / Fighter19/07/2023
Briar, The Restrained HungerFighter / Assassin14/09/2023
Hwei, The VisionaryMage / Support05/12/2023
Smolder, The Fiery FledglingMarksman / Mage31/01/2024
Aurora, The Witch Between WorldsMage / Assassin17/07/2024
Ambessa, The Matriarch of WarFighter / Assasin06/11/2024

Evolution of Champion Design: From Simple to Complex


League of Legends has seen a big change in champion design since its start in 2009. Back then, there were 40 champions with simple abilities. Champions like Annie and Ashe were easy to understand.

As the game grew, so did the complexity of the champions. By 2023, over 160 champions were in the game, each with unique abilities. New champions like Aphelios and Viego show how the game has become more complex.

Riot's focus on innovation has led to more complex champion designs. Now, champions have deep lore, varied playstyles, and abilities that change the game. This makes the game more engaging for players.

This evolution has made League of Legends more exciting and fresh for players. It's a big reason why the game remains popular in competitive gaming.

Impact of New Champions on the Meta and Gameplay

New champions in League of Legends change the game a lot. Each new champion adds fresh strategies and ways to play. Ambessa, released on November 6, 2024, is the latest example of this.

Shifting Strategies and Team Compositions

New champions often change the game's meta. For instance, Huntress of Freljord will change top and bottom lanes with her special weapon. This will make players change their strategies to keep up.

Balancing Acts: Riot's Approach to New Champions

Riot Games must balance new champions to keep the game fair. Patch 14.6 brings big changes to items and champions, affecting the game's balance. Champions like Aatrox and Jinx might play more, while Zed and Seraphine might play less.

Community Reception and Adaptation

The League community is key to making new champions fit into the game. Players look forward to learning about new champions like Vastai from Freljord. The buzz around new champions often changes how players pick champions and try out new strategies.

As more champions join the game, the impact of new champions on the meta and gameplay is always changing. From the latest champions to updates like Skarner's new form, each change offers new ways for players to play and improve.

Notable Milestones in LoL Champion Releases

League of Legends has grown a lot since 2009. The game now has many more champions, each one adding to its growth. Let's look at some big moments in the history of LoL champions by release date.

50th Champion: A Turning Point

Draven, the Glorious Executioner, was the 50th champion to join League of Legends. His 2012 release brought a new level of complexity to champions. Draven's axe-catching mechanic changed how players could show their skills.

100th Champion: Celebrating Diversity

Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight, was the 100th champion, coming in 2017. Her arrival celebrated the wide range of champions in the game. Zoe's fun personality and her ability to create portals showed Riot's dedication to making unique champions.

Latest Additions: Pushing the Boundaries

New champions keep bringing fresh ideas to the game. K'Sante, added in 2022, had a tough start but is still learning. Udyr's update the same year did better, becoming the most banned and winning champion of 2022.

These milestones show how League of Legends has evolved from its early days to now. It's a game with over 160 champions, offering a lot of diversity and complexity.


The journey of League of Legends champions by release date shows how the game has grown and changed over time. It started with 40 champions and now has 169 unique characters as of November 2024. This growth highlights Riot Games' dedication to making the game better and more fun for players.

Over the years, the champions released in League of Legends have changed with the game. At first, champions came out fast, changing the game a lot. Later, Riot focused more on making each new champion add something special to the game. This has kept the game exciting for everyone, from casual players to those in esports.

New champions will keep playing a big part in League of Legends' future. Recent additions like Aurora and updates to champions like Skarner show Riot's effort to improve and innovate. Regular updates keep the game fresh, offering players new ways to play and strategies to try.

The timeline of LoL champions shows the game's history and its bright future. League of Legends remains a top game in competitive gaming. With new champions coming, players will have lots to look forward to for years.


How many champions has League of Legends released as of November 6th, 2024?

As of November 06, 2024, League of Legends has released 169 champions. The newest one is Ambessa.

When did League of Legends officially launch, and how many champions were available at that time?

League of Legends launched on October 27, 2009. It started with 40 diverse champions.

Which champions were introduced during League of Legends' Alpha Week 2 in February 2009?

In February 2009, Alpha Week 2 introduced 17 champions. These included famous ones like Annie, Ashe, and Ryze.

How many new champions were typically released each year during League of Legends' early years?

Early on, Riot Games added about 24 new champions each year. Now, it's around 4-5 champions per year.

What was significant about the period between 2012 and 2014 in terms of champion releases?

From 2012 to 2014, champion design reached a peak. This era brought new mechanics, deep lore, and game-changing champions.

How has the champion design process evolved since League of Legends' launch?

Champion design has grown from simple kits to complex mechanics. Now, champions have unique playstyles and deep lore.

What impact do new champion releases have on the game's meta and gameplay?

New champions change the game's meta. They affect strategies, team setups, and need balancing from Riot Games.

What is Riot Games' vision for future champion releases?

Riot Games plans to add 4-5 champions a year. They focus on quality, innovation, and mechanics that deepen the game.

What were some notable milestones in League of Legends' champion releases?

Key moments include the 50th champion Draven, which marked a shift in design. The 100th champion Zoe celebrated diversity. Vex and Aurora have also expanded design possibilities.



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