Aatrox, known as the Darkin Blade, is a formidable champion in League of Legends. This powerful top laner possesses a unique set of abilities that make him a force to be reckoned with on the Rift.
Aatrox's kit revolves around his ability to deal massive damage while sustaining himself in battle:
Passive: Deathbringer Stance
Aatrox's next basic attack periodically deals bonus physical damage and heals him based on the target's maximum health.
Q: The Darkin Blade
Aatrox's signature ability allows him to slam his greatsword three times, each with a different area of effect. The edge of each strike deals more damage and briefly knocks up enemies.
W: Infernal Chains
This ability fires a chain that slows the first enemy hit. If champions or large monsters don't leave the impact area quickly, they're dragged to the center and take damage again.
E: Umbral Dash
Passively, Aatrox heals when damaging enemy champions. When activated, he dashes in a target direction.
R: World Ender
Aatrox unleashes his true demonic form, fearing nearby minions and gaining increased attack damage, healing, and movement speed. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect.
Aatrox excels as a lane bully who can snowball quickly. His playstyle involves:
Utilizing his Q's sweet spots to maximize damage and crowd control.
Managing cooldowns carefully, especially his E, as he's vulnerable when abilities are unavailable.
Leveraging his sustain through his passive and ultimate to survive extended fights.
Aiming to end games quickly or snowball his lead, as he tends to fall off in the late game.
While Aatrox is primarily played in the top lane, he can also be viable in the jungle. His ability to heal and deal significant damage makes him a strong duelist and team fighter when played effectively.