LoL Account with La Ilusión Draven skin

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Skin Release Date

September 27, 2023

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La Ilusión Draven

La Ilusión Draven


17.99 Euro

Blue Essence




Draven always dreamed of going out in a blaze of glory during his daredevil act, but when he got his wish, nobody was around to savor it. Only slightly humbler as an Eidola Muerte, Draven's found his kin within the Ego Family and spends his time spotting other glory hounds among the living, using his manipulative Ardor powers to send them off in style. 

This is an league of legends account with the skin La Ilusión Draven, start of your ranked journey with your favorite or dream skin today!

Disclaimer: The account only contains the Skin Shard not the Skin itself! You need to use the orange essence to unlock it. It's not guaranteed that you will have enough, but very likely.

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