LoL Account with Jurassic Cho'Gath skin

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Skin Release Date

November 01, 2011

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Jurassic Cho'Gath

Jurassic Cho'Gath


17.99 Euro

Blue Essence




From the moment Cho’Gath first emerged into the harsh light of Runeterra’s sun, the beast was driven by the most pure and insatiable hunger. A perfect expression of the Void’s desire to consume all life, Cho’Gath’s complex biology quickly converts matter into new bodily growth—increasing its muscle mass and density, or hardening its outer carapace like organic diamond. When growing larger does not suit the Void-spawn’s needs, it vomits out the excess material as razor-sharp spines, leaving prey skewered and ready to feast upon later.

The Jurrasic Cho'Gath skin, is part of the Jurrasic skinline! this skin introduces some new sound effects, and visual effects! Take over the rift using Cho'Gaths ancient powers!

This is an league of legends account with the skin Jurassic Cho'Gath, start of your ranked journey with your favorite or dream skin today!

Disclaimer: The account only contains the Skin Shard not the Skin itself! You need to use the orange essence to unlock it. It's not guaranteed that you will have enough, but very likely.

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