Turbosmurfs Premium Lootbox

Welcome to our new premium lootbox, you may open it by spending 750 of your Turbo credits, you receive 100 Turbo Credits (TC) for every 1€ you spend on site, you can also earn TC by being active in our discord or opening our free lootbox!

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Turbosmurfs free lootbox

You can now refer your friends to get free accounts and turbo credits!

1€ = 100 Turbo Credits

For every 1€ you spend on our site we will give you 100 Turbo Credits.

Active in Discord

Active users in our discord server randomly get granted Turbo Credits by our staff team!

More Coming soon..

We are adding more ways to earn Turbo Credits in the near future!

Good luck with your opening!

If you win any unique items you may claim them in our discord server!

Turbosmurfs Premium Lootbox

Looted Today


Lootbox Content

1350 Skin Account
70K BE Account
$10 RP
5$ RP
Free 40K BE Smurf
50% Coupon
40% Coupon
30% Coupon
20% Coupon
15% Coupon

Why you should own a LoL smurf

There is more to smurfing in league of legends than crushing low elo

In brief

There are multiple reasons to smurf in league of legends, some people do it for fun and to chill in lower elos, but there is so much more to smurfing in lol than that.
Owning a smurf is great for having a second lol account to try new champs on, while on your main account you just play your selected champions in your pool.

This is one of the key aspects pro players use to stay in high elo, they have one main account that they play on when they are at playing at their peak, while having a second account to train and play on.

For example something that is very normal that smurf owners do is to play the infamous "First game of the day" on their smurf account and then swapping over to their main, this is great because on your smurf account you can still play ranked and have the same drive to gain elo, but without the fear of actually losing something super valuable.

It is also great to have an unranked league of legends level 30 ranked account to play on when you are on a losing spree on your main.

What can i do with my free lol account?

All of our league of legends accounts are unverified, this means that if you win an account and claim it in our livechat, the account is 100% yours after you login on it.

You are free to change password, email and the summoner / account name to whatever you want.

What is a league of legends smurf account?

League of legends smurf accounts is an account that you use to play on the side of ur main account, wether if this is for enjoyment or for learning new stuff is all up to the player.

Many believe that it is against the rules from riot games to own a smurf, but it is really not, it is proven by the fact that riot gives pro players who travel abroad quality accounts with no ranked matches played just so they can stream or play on for free.

I didnt get a lol smurf account, can i try again?

You may try your luck at our lootbox every 24 hours, however if you are not so lucky as others, feel free to checkout our store, we are sure you can find a league account to your liking there for good prices.

All of our accounts comes with no ranked games played, so its completely fresh and ready to climb out of elo hell.

The accounts comes with various amounts of blue essence and sometimes has champion capsules on them, be sure to read the description of the accounts to see how much blue essence they have, it is however always enough to buy 20+ new champions, which is required to play ranked games.

Did i forget to tell you that we also have instant delivery on all of our accounts? They are delivered to your mail within seconds of us receiving the payment for the order.

What else can i do on this website?

Well Turbosmurfs started of mainly as lol smurf selling site, however we are looking into branching out very soon with our new lol duo finder app.