Valorant: Highest Rank Possible After Placements
In Valorant, many players are curious about the highest possible Valorant ranked placement rank they can achieve when starting with a fresh account. This is especially important if you want to rank up your smurf account. This article written by a professional Valorant player explores the intricacies of Valorant's ranking system and sheds light on the highest placement ranks attainable.
As of Episode 9 in 2024, the highest rank a player can be placed in after completing their initial placement matches on a fresh account is Ascendant. Prior to this update, the highest placement rank was Platinum 1. It is crucial to note that reaching the highest placement ranks often requires utilizing ranking up services like valboosting.com and playing in a duo or solo queue for optimal results.

Valorant boosting is one of the most effective and popular ways to not get stuck in low ranks after the placements. Even competitive players who play internationally often play duo only their placements to avoid any disaster.
Achieving Ascendant 1 on a fresh account is not possible, regardless of how much effort is put into boosting MMR (Matchmaking Rating) through unrated games or exceptional performance in placement matches. Diamond 1 is often considered the realistic ceiling for fresh account placements.
Players who have previously reached high ranks such as Immortal 3 or Radiant may find themselves placed in Ascendant regardless of their performance in placement matches. The system seems to take into account a player's prior ranking history when determining their initial placement.
Alternative accounts, or "Smurf accounts," are sometimes used by players to test their ability to reach higher ranks. One player shared their experience of having a main account in Diamond 1 and creating an alt account. The alt account was initially placed in Gold 3 but quickly climbed to Diamond due to a high hidden MMR, which resulted in substantial ranking points gained for each victory.
On rank resets, there are two scenarios to consider. During an Act reset, a player's rank is hidden for one game, but it essentially remains the same, except for Ascendant and Immortal players who may experience some adjustments. In an Episode reset, players are typically placed around three divisions (one full rank) below their previous Episode's rank at 50 RR (Rank Rating). For example, an Ascendant 3 player would be placed in Diamond 3 with 50 RR. The placement can vary slightly, usually downwards, by one or two divisions. The highest placement rank achievable after an Episode reset is Ascendant 1, meaning Immortal and Radiant players will be placed in Ascendant 1 regardless of their performance in placement matches.
Ascendant is currently the highest placement rank achievable on a fresh account in Valorant, reaching it is not guaranteed and may require significant skill and effort. Diamond 1 is considered a more realistic placement ceiling for most players. Alt accounts can be used to test one's ability to climb the ranks, but the system's hidden MMR ensures that players are matched with similarly skilled opponents. Understanding the nuances of rank resets and the impact of prior ranking history can help players set realistic expectations for their placement and progress in Valorant's competitive scene.