
Mythic & Prestige Lol Skins: Everything you need to know




02 Sep

Riot offers players a myriad of ways to customize their gameplay experience through meticulously crafted digital items called skins. These cosmetic alterations are categorized into different tiers based on their features and price, with Mythic and Prestige skins standing out for their exclusivity.

Unlike regular skins, these have limited availability and can only be acquired with a unique currency that can only be accumulated by playing the game. In the following lines, we will explore all LoL Mythic and Prestige skins and how you can get them. 

What are Mythic Skins in League of Legends?


Mythic skins are distinguished by their rarity and the additional features they include. They are designed to be distinct and exclusive and typically come with enhanced features compared to regular skins.

Apart from the unique elaborate themes, animations, and effects, Mythic skins often introduce a brand new alternative lore and personality of these champions. 

Only a select few champions have received a Mythic skin, often in celebration of significant milestones or events within the game. Their rarity is further enhanced by the manner of their release.

Riot has created a special shop rotation that rotates the old existing skins and the new releases once every three months. Usually, each rotation features three to five options from the Mythic tier. 

At the same time, acquiring Mythic skins is only available with a special currency called Mythic Essence. This currency cannot be purchased with Riot Points but has to be earned through events, missions, or through hextech crafting.

This unique system made its debut in 2022 and combined the old Gemstones and Prestige Points into a single currency. The same essence is used for buying Prestige Skins and many other in-game cosmetics like seasonal borders and icons, emote chromas, and ward skins.


What are Prestige Skins in League of Legends?


Prestige skins fall in the same rarity tier but offer a completely different kinds of enhancements to all other categories. Characterized by their superior visual quality, Prestige skins offer an improved version of already existing skins with enhanced textures and visuals. They are typically adorned with a distinct color palette, symbolizing their premium status.

Acquiring a Prestige Skin has never been an easy feat. Traditionally, players had to grind through special event passes or accumulate Prestige Points to unlock these items. This limited availability contributed significantly to their desirability. However, with the introduction of Mythic Essence, players can now purchase skins from this tier from the Mythic Shop. 

While this makes it sound like their exclusivity has decreased in recent years, getting your hands on a specific Prestige skin is not that simple.

Just like all other items in the Mythic shop, Prestige skins become available in accordance with a special rotation. The small difference is that they get refreshed monthly and not quarterly. 

How much do LoL Mythic and Prestige skins cost?

Riot introduced an interesting price system for both skin categories. Unlike regular skins whose price tag stays the same forever (not including special discounts and event offers), Mythic and Prestige skins become more expensive each time they appear in a rotation. This means that a brand new skin from either tier costs less than the older ones that return to the shop.

All new Mythic skins land in the shop with the same price tag - 100 Mythic Essence. The next time you see them in the shop in a year or two, you will have to pay 125 ME instead. T

The same goes for all Legacy Mythic content that existed before the new system was introduced. Skins that were once purchasable with Gemstones cost 100 ME when they appeared for the first time and 125 ME during consequent vaulting. 

The pricing system for Prestige skins is more complex and in some ways, it is harder to get your hands on this tier, although it has more frequent rotations. For example, one rule is that a newly released Prestige skin will not return to the shop for at least one year. 

New skins debut at 125 Mythic Essence and the price increases for the second and third unvaultings. The next time you see the same skin, it will cost 150 ME, and from the third time onward, it will cost 200 ME. 

How to get Mythic Essence?


Introduced as a unified replacement for Gemstones and Prestige Points, Mythic Essence has streamlined the process of acquiring the most exclusive cosmetic items in the game.

While obtaining it can be considered a grind, several avenues are available for players to accumulate this valuable currency. 

Hextech and Masterwork Chests

Hextech chests are earned through various in-game achievements and have a chance to contain Mythic Essence. While the drop rate is relatively low, consistent gameplay can yield results over time. But of course, there are much better options. 

As an upgraded version of Hextech Chests, Masterwork Chests offer a higher chance of containing Mythic Essence. Players can earn these chests by completing specific in-game milestones and missions, through the new honor system, or simply by purchasing them with Riot Points. One chest from the store costs 165 RP but you will also need a key for it, so there is a bundle option for 225 RP. 

As the premium alternative, there is a huge difference in the quality of the loot and the drop rate. If we have to talk percentages, regular Hextech chests present a 3.6% chance of dropping 5 ME while Masterwork chests come with a 4.2% chance for 10 ME. 

Moreover, opening Masterwork chests contributes to a progress bar. Reaching certain milestones rewards players with additional loot, including Mythic Essence. 

There are five milestones in each cycle and once you complete it, it resets and you can begin your Masterwork Milestones once more. Opening 5, 10, 15, and 20 chests will bring you 5 Mythic Essence for each achievement, while the final milestone for 25 chests will bring you 10 ME.

Moreover, you will acquire a random skin shard, a 975 RP skin shard, and a 1350 RP skin shard on the way to the end. 

Event Passes, Orbs, and Capsules 

Riot organizes multiple in-game events each year that typically involve dozens of prizes. In most cases, you have to complete missions or unlock milestones through playing the game.

This is where Event Passes come in handy. All events include free offerings for all players but you can pay a certain price for an Event pass and unlock all exclusive awards that are otherwise unavailable, like Mythic Essence. 

Once you start earning the extra Event Tokens from your premium pass, you can spend them in the special shop and purchase regular items like chests and keys or opt for the more exclusive orbs and capsules. 

Event Orbs and Capsules are limited-time loot containers introduced during specific events. These containers offer players a chance to obtain various themed items, including skins and emotes, but most importantly, Mythic Essence. While the drop rate remains low, there is a 1.5x higher chance of getting your hands on some ME. 

Level up to get extra Mythic Essence

The introduction of the improved leveling system gave players more reasons to grind the game as there are now better rewards for every few levels.

Originally, the max level was 30 and there was zero point in the XP players used to win after this. There were no benefits of playing the game after that unless you had time to climb the ranked ladder. 

The new uncapped leveling system grants rewards for every level you achieve in League of Legends. While you get champion capsules whenever you level up, what matters is that after Level 150, you will also start getting Mythic Essence. For every 50 levels you pass, you will get 10 ME among other exciting rewards.

Once again, it takes a while but if you combine all aforementioned methods, you can accumulate enough essence to buy several LoL Mythic and Prestige skins every season. 

All Mythic and Prestige Skins in League of Legends

Although these tiers can still be considered fairly new, Riot has already released over 97 Prestige and 25 Mythic skins. Let’s start with the full list of Prestige skins:

Release year


2018Prestige K/DA Akali
2018Prestige K/DA Kai’Sa
2019Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox
2019Prestige K/DA Evelynn 
2019Prestige K/DA Ahri 
2019Prestige Firecracker Vayne 
2019Prestige Arcade Caitlyn 
2019Prestige Fuzz Fizz 
2019Prestige PROJECT: Irelia 
2019Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin 
2019Prestige Battle Academia Lux 
2019Prestige Star Guardian Neeko 
2019Prestige True Damage Qiyana 
2019Prestige Valiant Sword Riven 
2019Prestige Pulsefire Thresh 
2019Prestige Bewitching Miss Fortune 
2020Prestige Mecha Kingdoms Garen 
2020Prestige Pulsefire Lucian 
2020Prestige Dark Star Malphite 
2020Prestige True Damage Senna 
2020Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett 
2020Prestige Star Guardian Soraka 
2020Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo 
2020Prestige Battle Queen Diana 
2020Prestige PsyOps Ezreal 
2020Prestige True Damage Yasuo 
2020Prestige K/DA ALL OUT Kai’Sa 
2020Prestige Arcanist Zoe 
2020Prestige Coven Zyra 
2021Prestige Lunar Beast Fiora 
2021Prestige Space Groove Lulu 
2021Prestige Conqueror Jax 
2021Prestige PROJECT: Sylas 
2021Prestige PROJECT: Zed 
2021Prestige Battle Academia Leona 
2021Prestige Ascended Pantheon 
2021Prestige Coven LeBlanc 
2021Prestige Nightbringer Kayn 
2021Prestige Bewitching Morgana 
2021Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear 
2021Prestige Debonair 2.0 Brand 
2022Prestige Brave Phoenix Xayah 
2022Prestige Porcelain Lux 
2022Prestige Anima Squad Jinx 
2022Prestige High Noon Talon 
2022Prestige Eclipse Senna 
2022Prestige Ocean Song Seraphine
2022Prestige Star Guardian Ekko
2022Prestige Star Guardian Syndra
2022Prestige Cyber Halo Janna
2022Prestige Spirit Blossom Master Yi
2022Prestige Empyrean K'Sante
2022Prestige Space Groove Nami
2022Prestige Winterblessed Warwick
2023Prestige DRX Aatrox
2023Prestige Mythmaker Sivir
2023Prestige Porcelain Lissandra
2023Prestige Broken Covenant Miss Fortune
2023Prestige Faerie Court Katarina
2023Prestige Inkshadow Yasuo
2023Prestige Soul Fighter Pyke
2023Prestige Soul Fighter Shaco
2023Prestige Immortal Journey Sona
2023La Ilusión Renata Glasc
2023Prestige Coven Akali
2023Prestige Heartsteel Yone
2023Prestige Winterblessed Camille
2024Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan
2024Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal
2024Prestige Porcelain Kindred
2024Prestige High Noon Evelynn
2024Prestige Empyrean Kayle
2024Prestige Cyber Cat Yuumi
2024Prestige Battle Lion Leona
2024Prestige T1 Jayce
2024Prestige Fright Night Zeri
2024Prestige Dark Cosmic Diana
2024Prestige Chosen of the Wolf Swain
2024Prestige Arcane Commander Caitlyn
2024Prestige Masque of the Black Rose Katarina
2025Prestige Mythmaker Cassiopeia

Riot’s devs have already announced that the next champions to get a Prestige skin in 2024 will be Jayce, Zeri, and Diana. However, they didn’t spoil exactly which skins will get a cosmetic enhancement. 

With this said, here is the full list of Mythic skins in League of Legends:




Crystalis Motus

Crystalis Indomitus


Hextech Alistar

Ashen Knight Pyke

Crystalis Motus Leona

Crystalis Indomitus Kha’Zix

Dark Star Cho’Gath


Hextech Annie

Ashen Conqueror Pantheon

Crystalis Motus Taliyah

Crystalis Indomitus Xerath

Dreadnova Darius

Hextech Amumu

Ashen Slayer Sylas

Crystalis Motus Ashe

Crystalis Indomitus Nautilus

Lancer Zero Hecarim

Hextech Jarvan IV

Ashen Graveknight Mordekaiser


Soulstealer Vayne

Hextech Kassadin

Ashen Guardian Shen





Hextech Kog’Maw





Hextech Malzahar





Hextech Nocturne





Hextech Poppy





Hextech Rammus





Hextech Renekton





Hextech Sejuani





Hextech Swain





Hextech Tristana





Hextech Ziggs






The combination of stunning visuals, limited availability, and unique acquisition mechanics has transformed these skins into the most sought-after types of cosmetic items in the game.

Owning even one Mythic skin will make your collection special, and owning Prestige skins is a symbol of your dedication to the game and fashion-forward taste. 

While the LoL Mythic and Prestige skins catalog may be limited at the moment, Riot releases 15-20 new ones each season, which guarantees that sooner or later, your favorite champion will receive its exclusive version.



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