League of Legends: Highest Rank Possible After Placements
Particularly in League of Legends, many players strive to climb the ranked ladder and achieve the highest possible rank. One crucial aspect of this journey is the placement matches that determine a player's initial rank. A professional League of Legends player with Riot will explain to you how League of Legends placement matches work, the factors that influence them, and the highest achievable rank after completing them.
The Highest Achievable Rank
In League of Legends, the highest rank a player can achieve after winning five out of five placement matches is Emerald 1 with 80 LP (League Points). If a player manages to win all five placement matches, the highest rank they can reach is Emerald 1 80LP even if they have Challenger MMR. The lowest rank that a player can get after winning all 5 games is Iron 4. This is for 2024-2025 Season 14 and Season 15 for League of Legends.
Get The Highest Rank after Placements
Some players may consider taking advantage of a professional lol boosting service like eloboostleague.com to guarantee a higher placement rank. These services can help players avoid starting from a lower rank like Silver 4 and instead place them in Gold 4, there are still limitations to placements boosting. Even if a player buys a highly rated lol boost with a highly skilled player, such as Faker (a renowned professional player), there is no guarantee of achieving Emerald 1 placement. The success of placement matches still relies on factors such as individual performance and the accountβs previous MMR.

The Role of MMR
MMR, or Matchmaking Rating, is a hidden value that represents a player's skill level. It is used by the game's matchmaking system to pair players of similar skill levels together. Interestingly, a player's MMR in normal (unranked) games can influence their ranked placements. It is recommended to win in normal games until the queue time reaches around 30 minutes, as this indicates a high MMR.
Duo Queue and Its Impact
Playing placement matches with a duo partner can significantly impact the outcome. The rank of the duo partner plays a crucial role in determining the highest achievable rank after placements. If a player duos with a high-ranked friend, such as a Platinum 4 player, they can potentially be placed in Silver 1 after just one game. The exact limit of how high a player can be placed based on their duo partner's rank is not officially disclosed, but it is estimated to be around Gold 4 or Gold 3.
Visual Rank Influence and Smurf Queues
In the past, League of Legends had a system called "smurf queue," which aimed to match players with high MMR but low visual ranks (smurfs) together. This system relied on the visual rank influence, meaning that if a smurf had a gold rank but a diamond MMR, they would be matched with other players in a similar situation. However, this system has since been removed, and now players with high MMR will simply be placed in high MMR games, regardless of their visual rank. This is why it is possible to see low Emerald players in high Diamond matchmaking.