
Every Ultimate Skin in League of Legends




30 Jul

In the 15 years since the birth of League of Legends, Riot Games has released over 1600 champion skins. And while most are affordable and easy to obtain, there is a certain tier of skins that cost a small fortune. The so-called Ultimate skins represent the pinnacle of cosmetic customization in LoL. What makes them more special and are they worth buying? Let’s discuss all Ultimate skins in League of Legends in 2024. 

What makes Ultimate Skins in LoL more special? 

Ultimate skins stand out from the rest due to the sheer amount of content and innovation they pack, as well as the time it takes to create them.

Unlike lower tier skins that might just change a champion's appearance, Ultimate skins offer a complete transformation. This includes entirely new designs for the champion, unique animations for each ability, and thematic changes to the sound effects and voiceovers. 

Most skins from this tier go beyond a single aesthetic. They feature multiple forms within the same skin, allowing players to switch between different appearances mid-game or in champion select, depending on the skin. 

For example, DJ Sona evolves her look and music based on the abilities she uses. With Elementalist Lux, you choose which elements to combine, unlocking a new form depending on the selection. 

Some Ultimate skins in LoL weave an alternative narrative to the champion, which may or may not be part of the canon. Pulsefire Ezreal and Spirit Guard Udyr are the prime examples and their skins change their entire thematic identity, telling stories from alternate universes and timelines. 

With all this comes the hefty price tag. This is the most expensive tier of skins in League of Legends and these get released infrequently. Riot has released only seven Ultimate Skins and there are good reasons. As the creation of these skins takes the longest, their price tag varies between 2775 and 3250 Riot Points or somewhere between $20-25 in real world money. 

Owning an Ultimate skin signifies your love for that champion and the willingness to spend extra money to unlock the most complete experience with this playable character. With this said, let's take a closer look at these prestigious skins in order of release.


All Ultimate Skins in League of Legends 2024

Pulsefire Ezreal (3250 RP)


In an alternate universe, Ezreal travels through time to the distant future, finding himself in the war-torn Valoran. Technologies have advanced beyond comprehension but not for the benefit of peace. Ezreal finds his advanced Pulsefire armor while exploring a crash site and decides to bring it back with him through the time warp and do anything in his power to prevent that apocalyptic future. 

This is the lore behind the first Ultimate Skin in League of Legends, released in June 2012. Unlike other skins from this tier, it includes all possible features - new voiceovers, visuals and sound effects, as well as exclusive animations. 

Pulsefire Ezreal also has four forms that get unlocked with each upgrade of the ultimate ability. The skin was reworked in 2018 to match the modern standards, so it is worth owning even a decade later. 

Spirit Guard Udyr (3250 RP)


The second of the ultimate skins in LoL was Spirit Guard Udyr, released in July 2023. The original story presents an alternate timeline. In this version of his story, Udyr decided to complete his training in Ionia and learn to control his rage. He achieved full harmony, in contrast with his original storyline, which had him return to the Freljord while still untrained. 

This Ultimate skin also features the full set of additions like Pulsefire Ezreal. It also got a complete rework in 2020 but was subsequently changed after the full VGU update of the champion in 2022. Traditionally, the skin has several forms, based on different Ionian spirits. 

DJ Sona (3250 RP)


The release of DJ Sona in February 2015 was a huge milestone for designers. While Pulsefire Ezreal and Spirit Guard Udyr retained some of the original features of the champions, DJ Sona was almost unrecognizable after the full rework. 

Originally, the LoL community was against the creation of this skin but the love for it has grown over the years. This is the skin with the most sound files in the game and it also features three forms that can be toggled while in-game. 

Each of her forms has a unique theme with its own music and sound effects that evolve throughout the game. Once you use Sona's ultimate for the first time will reveal the most basic version of her song. With each upgrade of the R, you will get a more complete version with more layers. 

The only way to fully understand the dynamics of this skin is to experience it firsthand. 

Elementalist Lux (3250 RP)


Elementalist Lux was the pinnacle of the creativity of the designers. Even eight years later, no other Ultimate skin comes close. And it is normal, Lux remains Riot's favorite marketing tool as she has appeared on the highest number of ads and materials. 

Having discussed the earlier skins from this tier, each having between 3-5 forms, you will be stunned to find that Elementalist Lux incorporates a total of 10 different versions. You will start the game with her basic Light form, which is stunning on its own. 

As the game progresses and you battle your enemies, you earn stacks of Elemental Power. Once you collect enough, you can choose to change her form into a different element. Then the game continues and you collect stacks until you unlock the option to combine a new element and evolve Lux again.

Each form features entirely modified abilities. The downside compared to DJ Sona, for example, is the fact that you cannot toggle between forms or change at any given time. The element you choose the first time is the one you play with until the next evolution or the end of the game. 

Gun Goddess Miss Fortune (2775 RP)


As the most basic of the ultimate skins in LoL, Gun Goddess Miss Fortune is the only one that costs less than 3250 RP. It is absolutely worth the money but the overall quality is close to that of a Legendary skin combined with the additional features of the Ultimate tier. 

The skin includes all the expected exclusive sound effects, animations, and voiceovers, as well as four forms. In this case, we can call them exosuits. The difference is that the skin doesn't evolve as the game progresses or depending on your performance like Elementalist Lux.

Instead, you can switch between the exosuits whenever you are at the fountain. For these reasons, the skin costs 2275 RP, which makes it the most affordable option if you want a taste of the most exclusive tier. 

K/DA All Out Seraphine (3250 RP)


Riot Games took a unique approach with K/DA All Out Seraphine, creating an interactive leveling mechanic that doesn't exist with any other skin. By buying this skin, you will not unlock its full potential immediately. Instead, you will have to complete a set of champion-specific missions, unlocking her next forms until you get all three.

After purchasing the skin, you receive the first Seraphine Indie form, which showcases her early days as a growing musician. Once you complete the first three missions from her questline, you will unlock Seraphine Rising Star - her second form. 

Only after you complete all five missions do you receive the third and final form - K/DA All Out Seraphine Superstar. Once you have all three, you will be able to toggle between the skin versions during Champion Select. This was the first Ultimate Skin in League of Legends that doesn't feature any ways to change form while in game. Curiously, it was also the first case of a champion getting an Ultimate skin on their release date. 

Soul Fighter Samira (3250 RP)


It took Riot three years to add another Ultimate skin to the realm. Soul Fighter Samira was released in July 2023 and remains the last from this exclusive tier. Sadly, it is also the most basic one of all, which resulted in a considerable backlash from the LoL community.

Unlike all other Ultimate Skins in League of Legends, Soul Fighter Samira lacks additional forms. What you see is what you get, with minor in-game changes. For instance, the ultimate ability evolves as the game progresses, becoming flashier with a bigger animation for each point you spend on it. 

The skin also has an exclusive pentakill animation and the usual skin-specific voiceovers and sound effects. But overall, it remains the least popular of the Ultimate skins in League of Legends in 2024. 

Final Thoughts

Having seen all seven Ultimate skins in LoL, is it worth spending that much money on any of them? Ultimately, there is no right answer to this question and the decision is yours. If you enjoy the game and play it regularly, then probably yes. 

If one of these seven champions happens to be your favorite, then owning its best skin would certainly make your experience a whole lot better. And the best part is that even if you someday stop playing the game, you can easily sell your account and get some of the money you have spent on skins back. 

Last but not least, it's entirely possible to get an Ultimate skin without paying a cent for it. Many players don't know that the chests you earn by playing well with champions also include skins from this tier. So, if you are lucky, you may end up owning one or more for free.



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