
Best Valorant Agents on Sunset Map




09 Aug

Even though personal preference plays a large role when it comes to picking Agents in Valorant, every map has its own meta that defines the best picks.

Sunset is no different than any other map as its layout and design create a dynamic in which some Agents naturally outperform others on certain maps.

Best Sunset Duelists Valorant



On a map like Sunset that has plenty of open space for players to engage in combat, a Duelist like Jett excels in terms of output.

Since Jett is able to easily maneuver open spaces and outplay opponents because of her unparalleled mobility, she is a force to be reckoned with and a popular pick on Sunset.

Additionally, as a Duelist, Jett can provide her team with a surprisingly high level of utility on a map like Sunset due to her built-in smokes.

Last but not least, Jett excels on a map with long sightlines and prolonged combat like Sunset because she can continuously reset her ultimate’s knives and go on unstoppable killing sprees.



Phoenix is one of the best Duelists you can pick on Sunset because of the sheer firepower and flexibility in his kit.

His abilities provide a perfect amount of offensive utility with his fireball that damages and curveball that blinds his opponents. 

These abilities allow Phoenix to free up space for his teammates by disrupting opponents and engage fights on his own accord.

However, the ability that stands out on a map with consistent fights in open spaces like Sunset is Phoenix’s ultimate, Run it Back.

This ability allows Phoenix to freely engage in risky fights as he gets a full revive upon taking lethal damage. As a result, Phoenix is granted the freedom to push aggressively without the fear of losing a round for his team because of a bad engage.

Best Sunset Initiators Valorant



Unlike any other map, Sunset provides Fade with the largest number of potentially effective lineups because of the map’s inherent layout.

Sunset is full of very tall buildings which Fade can use to her advantage because of her Haunt ability which provides consistent intel on the opponents from the high ground.

The rest of her kit provides plenty of utility, with standout abilities such as Prowler or Seize debuffing any enemies with nearsight, deafen, and decay.

However, her ultimate is the next best thing on Sunset after her reconnaissance ability Haunt. Nightfall covers a very large area with its effect which is especially useful in open combat, consistently debuffing any opponents that get caught within the zone.



Skye’s versatility is the main reason why she’s such a stellar Initiator pick on Sunset, as she truly is a jack-of-all-trades Agent.

She is one of the very few Agents in the game with any healing, which is exceptionally useful on Sunset, given that the map naturally promotes continuous gunfights over area control.

However, Skye’s ability to gain intel on opponents is the aspect of her kit that makes her stand out among the rest of the Initiators.

To put things into perspective, Skye is able to gain knowledge of enemy positions with 3 different abilities.

One of the abilities Skye can use to gain intel, Trailblazer, additionally provides her with a much-needed punch in her kit as she deals damage and concusses upon impact.

Best Sunset Controllers Valorant



It comes as no surprise that a Controller like Brimstone excels on a tiny map like Sunset, given that he has the ability to dish out several smokes at once.

This allows Brimstone and his team to make crucial strategic rotations around the map, pressure the opponents, and force them to play by his rules.

Brim’s Stim Beacon is an exceptional ability on Sunset as well, allowing him to massively increase the fire rate of his nearby allies which is a difference-maker in prolonged gunfights.

Additionally, the open spaces on a smaller map like Sunset allow Brimstone to maximize the potency of his ultimate which excels in situations where it hits multiple opponents.



Every map that revolves around consistent gunfights rather than rotations heavily favors Omen, and Sunset is no different in this regard.

Omen’s kit allows him to consistently gain strategic advantage over his opponent because of his teleportation abilities.

This allows Omen to flank the enemy team effectively and open up more space for the carry Duelists on his team.

Apart from this, Omen has more than enough utility for a Controller, as he excels in controlling vision and disrupting the opponents.

His Dark Cover smokes can block enemy vision and disrupt rotations while his Paranoia projectile that passes through walls blinds enemies who are hiding in cover.

Best Sunset Sentinels Valorant


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For a map on which gunfights on long sightlines are a common occurrence, it comes as no surprise that the Controller with the most utility in her kit stands out as an optimal choice.

Sage’s ability to heal teammates is a thing of beauty, as she’s the Agent in the game with the most consistent healing utility.

She can also block crucial passages on the map and dictate the tempo of combat with the usage of her Barrier Orb and Slow Orb.

The pinnacle of her kit and general usefulness in a game lies in her ultimate, which completely breaks the game as it allows Sage to revive a teammate who has previously fallen in combat.



Unlike a traditional Sentinel like the aforementioned Sage, Clove completely breaches the boundaries of the role and adopts a frag-heavy, aggressive playstyle.

Clove hates sitting back while the action unfolds, as they always aim to be the one who engages the combat head-on. 

This is because of their ultimate ability that defines their kit and fosters this risky playstyle. Whenever Clove takes lethal damage, instead of dying, they get a chance to fully respawn if they end up participating in a takedown.

Even if Clove gets taken down after their ultimate ability, they can still contribute to the team’s well-being by being able to use smokes from the grave.


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